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our mission

we believe that the banana cultivation system needs to change. with your help, we want to use this film to show you why. our film is for every citizen or consumer who is curious about how our fruit makes it to our shelves. 


now in post-production, we hope that our film will begin a conversation about the way we grow fruit, what this means for the farmers who feed us, and the ways in which we as consumers can drive changes in the food industry. 

this film project

bananas in crisis

we want to plunge into the science underlying bananas’ oncoming extinction to show you how and why this agricultural system is threatened.

the future

we want to focus on the future of bananas. how can we grow them in alternative, sustainable ways which promote biodiversity and protect our ecosystems?


we also want to give the farmers, industry innovators, and researchers trying to achieve this alternative banana future a platform to share their stories.


where can I find the film?

it doesn't exist yet! we need your help to raise the final funds required to turn our footage into a documentary. with your support we can open the next chapter in banana history.


we offer our huge thanks to our past and current supporters:

Our documentary team

our documentary team

our team was forged in February 2017, coming together whilst we studied for Masters degrees at Imperial College London. 


we now work across leading research institutions and international NGOs. this is our passion project.





following her dual degree in environmental studies and film studies, Jackie spent four years in Los Angeles, working in the television industry before returning to the world of science and academia.


she deeply believes in the power of storytelling to change hearts and minds, and is now based at the International Research Institute for Climate and Society.

Visual Storyteller Specialist 

Columbia University, USA

Mollie gupta

assistant creative director


Mollie is passionate about all things food and forests. she currently works with the Food team at WWF-UK in reducing deforestation associated with major commodity supply chains. she has both a Zoology degree and Masters of Research. This project does not represent the views of or have any affiliation with WWF-UK.

Forest Commodities Manager


nick dunn

camera operator and treasurer


Nick played a vital role as cinematographer during production. interested in finding solutions to some of our major environmental challenges, Nick is currently working on methods to conserve and protect sharks and rays using environmental DNA.

PhD Candidate

Imperial College London & Zoological Society of London, UK

oscar Lozada

logistic coordinator


having worked with the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations, Oscar has experience in food security management and working with farmers in developing countries.


now working with CO2 balance, he is helping to deliver ethical, high impact solutions to mitigate climate change.

Environmental Consultant

CO2 Balance, UK

sara middleton

project coordinator


Sara is passionate about people and plants. she hopes this documentary will inspire people to make small meaningful changes to help create a more sustainable future for people and the planet.


Sara is currently working across the departments of Zoology and Plant Sciences at University of Oxford, researching responses of plants to climate change.

PhD Candidate

University of Oxford, UK

Marina papadopoulou

project researcher



after a masters degree in ecological programming, Marina remains enthusiastic about biology. Marina enjoys combining her past working experience as a photographer, her passion for cinema and her conservation consciousness.


based at the Groningen Institute for Evolutionary Life Sciences, Marina is currently working to understand bird flight and collective behaviour.

PhD Candidate

University of Groningen, Netherlands



biological survey manager


based in the Environmental Science school, Julian lectures in Zoology, Fauna Management and Multivariate Analysis and is Project Manager for projects that link society and science.


birdwatcher by day and diver by night, he hopes that this film will help to make a better world for birds and local workers in banana plantations.


Universidad Espiritu Santo, Ecuador

who has helped so far?

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